Monday, January 18, 2010

I won something!

I am the worst winner of contests. I win NOTHING I enter. A couple months ago my studio had a spaghetti dinner and we raffled off gift baskets. I put ALL my tickets, lilke seriously 25, in one basket from a local bar. (Don't get jugemental! It was a gift card for FOOD. haha) I lost. Miserably. I can't even win 2 bucks on a scratch off ticket.

But today! I won something!!

I won a $25 VISA Gift Card from Mama M over at 5 Crooked Halos for participating in 5 Question Friday. She is making me promise to spend it on myself and I know JUST what I will get! We leave for Disney World soon and I am actually going to buy myself some clothes. I never ever shop for myself but I want a cute new dress to wear to dinner and hey $25 will help my clothes budget out! :)

Thanks so much again, Mama M! What a great way to start my work week!! :)

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

congrats on winning.