Weight: 19 lbs, 7 oz! Big boy. :)
Height: We didn't measure your height at your last appointment, because it was an ear checkup, not a well baby. But you are TALL. I will say that. :)
Sleeping: You my little man sleep like a champ. Even with all your health problems, you started sleeping at 8 hour chunk around 8 weeks and it got longer ever since. Last night, it was 13 hours! Usually it's 11-12 hours, from 7:30 until 7:30 or so. Sometimes you wake up earlier, but I let you play in your crib. You aren't a morning person and you need to "ease into the day."
Feeding: You get 4 7 oz bottles every day, plus baby yogurt, oatmeal cereal and baby food 2-3 times a day. Your bottles are interesting. Breakfast and lunch are all soy, dinner and bed time are half soy, half Nutramigen. We've worked hard to find a good balance to keep you "moving" but your belly full. You are working your way back to all soy and I am so thankful. I would buy your Nutramigen forever if it kept you happy, but man it's expensive. You are worth it, though, little friend.
You have loved ALL your baby food so far. Everything I've given you, you've chowed right down. You've had bananas, apples, pears, blueberries, carrots, green beans, peas, mixed veggies...I'm sure there's others you've had but I don't keep track anymore. You've loved it ALL!! Good boy, keep eating!
You've also tried some puffs lately. You aren't a huge fan and you are so cute trying to get them in your mouth! You do like biter biscuits and sit in your high chair every afternoon when I'm cooking dinner chowing down on one. Yogurt is your newest treat and you think it's the best! You cry when the container is gone. :) Keep it up, little man! Eat, eat, eat!
Milestones: You crawl SO FAST now. You started crawling right around 6.5 months and have never looked back. You also pull yourself up on everything. You think you can walk, but you can't! You take quite a few tumbles every day, but rarely cry. I am thankful for soft carpets all over our house! You can go from sitting to crawling and back to sitting now, which is always nice for your independence. You still enjoy your bouncer but not for as long anymore. You are a mover and a groover, for sure!
You weren't impressed by the dance show at all, you fell asleep both nights! (haha) At the sports store the other night, we took a picture of you with a golf club and you sobbed when we took it away. This is a good sign for your future daddy-son golf outings.
Trace Joseph, you are the sweetest baby ever. You love to cuddle, especially with your Grandma Beth. You wrinkle your nose when you smile. You laugh all the time, especially at your sister. You are into EVERYTHING. Daddy calls you a "dickens" all the time. You love to grunt and growl. You never sit still. You'd stay in the swimming pool all day every day if you could. I am so excited for your future, little man. You are my favorite son. <3
I can't wait to see him next weekend!
Fireworks are Saturday night.
OMG I cant believe he is already 8 months!
13 hours?! That's great!
And at least he slept through the dance recitals instead of cried :)
Happy 8 Months to your boy!
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