General Observations:
1) Cat Deely looks great in yellow! STUNNINg, actually.
2) Debbie Reynolds is adorable. They should do more classic dance legends as guest judges.
3) Mary Murphy clearly knows what she's talking about, but when she screams and yells she makes me want to claw my eyes out. Shudder.
Ryan and Ricky: Mandy Moore "Sexy" Jazz to "Addicted to Love"
Ryan annoys me, I can't figure out why. Also, Keltie Colleen has been dancing in combat boots for YEARS, so you aren't going to make that happen. This dance was kinda boring to me, I thought.
Caitlynn and Mitchell: Stacey Tookey Contemporary to "Turning Tables"
OMG. I LOVE THIS DANCE. The chairs, the emotion, the choreography...this was my favorite of the night. Caitlynn is straight up adorbs!
Missy and Wadi: Jean Mark Generaux ChaCha to "Cannibal"
Usually I love the latin ballroom. I thought this was pretty bad, though. I don't really care for either Missy or Wadi. I won't be sad if they are in the bottom.
Yvetta and Nick: Bollywood to some song I don't know the name of
Confession. I watched about 30 seconds of this and skipped the rest. I didn't think it was very entertaining. I want Nick to stay around because I want to see a tap duet on the show(!!!!) but Yvetta is not my fave.
Miranda and Robert: Tabitha and Napoleon hip hop to "Break Ya Neck"
LOVE LOVE LOVE. I am a huge NappyTabs fan anyways and I loved this. I thought they killed it. Miranda surprised me with how great she was at the fast, quick and poppy hip hop. Plus she's from Pittsburgh...WHAT UP PA!
Clarice and Jess: Stacey Tookey contemporary to "Cathedrals"
It was pretty, kinda slow for my like though. Plus, Jess annoys me to no end. At auditions, they told him they worried he was too arrogant. I think he's trying too hard to come across as funny and nice now. He's an incredible dancer, but he needs to lose the goofy guy persona.
Jordan and Tadd: Jean-Marc Generaux Viennese Waltz to "Fade Into Me"
Umm...Her dress was pretty. She's Dave's favorite. Ehh. I'm not impressed with either of them really at this point. Her solo was AWESOME last week though, so. It's not her fault she had the slowest dance possible this week.
Melanie and Marko: Mandy Moore Jazz to "Sing With a Swing"
Loved this one! Costumes, hats as props, dance style, song choice...loved it all! It's nice to see actual jazz dancing, not fast contemporary passed off as jazz (Cough Travis Wall, I'm talking to YOU! :)) Melanie is my FAVORITE. Marko is in my top for the boys too, but Melanie...just wow.
Sasha and Alexander: Tabatha and Napoleon Hip Hop to "Coming Home"
Hmmm...I'm torn on this one. I loved the song choice and the concept. I didn't think Alex pulled it off well, though. Maybe his outfit? I'm not sure. Dave thinks Mark from Season 4 (?) that did "Bleeding Love" would have done it so much better and I agree. Sasha was awesome, though.
Ashley and Chris: Spencer Liff Broadway to "Please Mr. Jailer"
This one was great! They are a great pair and I loved the whole bars between them concept. Fantastic. Added bonus, Ashley's red dress was smoking!
In conclusion...my top three boys are:
3. Chris
2. Mitchell
1. Marko

My top three girls:
3. Ashley
2. Caitlynn
1. Melanie

Bottom three girls (based on last night only!)
3. Missy
2. Ryan
1. Iveta

Bottom three boys (based on last night only!)
3. Alexander
2. Tadd
1. Jess

Did you watch?? Who were your faves? Who didn't you care for?
I agree with most of the analysis except for Chris and Ashley. I just don't think she's up to the level of the other girls and has really bad feet. I also love Tadd.
What!?! We love Tadd haha. :) Of course I don't watch the show from the same technical perspective as you most likely do. :) I watch for entertainment. And so I most likely also pick my favorites differently than you do. :) But don't worry... I don't actually call and vote haha.
And I really like Ryan too. Hmm. :)
I was going to write a post about this today so if I actually get around to it I'm not copying you, just thinking alike.
I don't watch this show, but I'd take Caitlynn's abs any day! haha
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