Friday, December 3, 2010

12 Days of Christmas: Day 11

Day 11: New Year's Resolutions

I don't usually make New Year's Resolutions, but this year I have three.

1) Finish losing weight! Yuck. I can't even talk about it I'm so disgusted with myself lately. (We call that the post baby body blues around here.) Soon enough it will be better though! Slow and steady.

2) Increase my savings every month

3) Work every day to be a better mom and wife.

I guess my resolutions aren't really resolutions, they are more goals. I'm not resolving to quit smoking or anything, I'm just setting what are (hopefully) attainable goals.


Michelle said...

I think your list is great! And resolutions are pretty much the same as goals ... at least we can say they are :)

Courtney said...

Your resolutions are so good! I want to try and lose weight/be healthier too!