Friday, July 15, 2011

Boob Tube Babble...Gilmore Girls Edition

Linking up with Neely and Meg again this week for Boob Tube Babble. This week I'm talking all about Gilmore Girls!

Boob Tube Babble

I love Gilmore Girls. Like a lot.

I started watching this little gem back on the WB in high school. The character Rory and I are the same age so I connected with her quite easily. I was captivated by the witty banter, the relationship between Lorelai and her daughter Rory, the storylines, the setting, the style...the whole show just appealed to me.

As I grew through high school, so did Rory. We experienced so many of the same things at the same time. Dances? checks. Boyfriends? check. Friend drama? Check. When she went to college, so did I. Watching Gilmore Girls was a constant and a comfort.

Source: via Kate on Pinterest

When the show ended, I cried. Big, ugly alligator tears. It was like saying good bye to friends. I still watch it (almost) every day! (Except. Stupid ABC Family is taking it off the air and putting The Secret Life in it's place. GAG.) Good thing I have all the seasons on DVD...

I have a daughter named Rory and yes, she is 100% named after Rory Gilmore. I love the name, it's simple, unique and interesting. I also love Rory Gilmore. I see her as a strong, intelligent, well spoken, classy character. These are all things I'd love for Rory Undercoffer to emulate as she grows up. What more can I ask for as her mother?

Source: via Kate on Pinterest

My favorite episode is definitely when Luke takes Lorelai to his sister's wedding. It's a wonderful start to a beautiful relationship. My least favorite episode is actually two parts. I can't stand that Rory sleeps with Dean during the grand opening of the Dragonfly. I think it's a sneaky, manipulative part of the storyline that is completely out of Rory's character. But. I won't rant about a tv show that's been off the air for years. :)

I know I am not the only one who feels attached like this to a tv show. What are you attached to? Any characters you love? Happy Friday, friends!


Amanda @ New Adventures said...

Everyone talks about this show so much I need to get the seasons! I am such a reality TV junky so I get pretty attached to them :)

Meagan said...

I didn't realize your daughter's name is Rory! Love it!

Neely said...

I heart you and you know I love me some GG!

Anonymous said...

Oh man! Some TV shows stick with us, don't they?

The big one for me was 90210. My girlfriends and I had a going away party when the last show aired, and we all cried those big tears.

Then it was Friends. I'm still not over that!

I love the name Rory. Very cute!

Meghan said...

I love love love GG! I think Lauren Graham is just a doll - how could you not love her?