Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Newsies

So last night, as I was watching a Gilmore Girls rerun (shout out to Neely!), I was innocently trolling Facebook and the Twitt when a tweet from StitchKingdom caught my eye. A link to this video:

A cute backstage video of the cast of The Newsies preparing for and performing during the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Now if you knew me in real life, you'd know I LOVE The Newsies like bordering on obsessed with. For years I've thought this should be a musical (and really, what self respecting musical lover hasn't thought that??) So I was overjoyed when I heard the big news: the show is coming to Broadway! For like 2 minutes...well 101 shows but still. Just a miniscule amount of time. I'm already plotting my trip and I'll be going by myself if that's what it takes. I will see this show. I WILL. I will also be singing and dancing obnoxiously so...if you hate that kind of theater patron, don't go with me. ;)

Anyways, I retweeted the link to the video and my timeline eploded. Somehow Kelly, her sister and I ended up tweeting directly WITH The Newsies and then. They called me a big deal. I wish I knew how to take a screen shot but I don't. But it HAPPENED. My little musical loving, chorus girl wanna be heart about exploded out of my chest. YOU GUYS. For 2 seconds today, a member of the Newsies production team complimented me. I plan to blog videos and news all along the way leading up to the big Newsies opening. And hey, Newsies? If you are reading this, feel free to throw some tickets my way...hint hint. ;)

Now I need to go smack Dave with a newspaper and sing "KING OF NEW YORK" at the top of my lungs. Don't hate, I'm just seizing the day.

Omg. You all know the truth. I'm a closet loser. #notashamed


Erin said...

Squeeee! I'm a die-hard Newsies fan, too! For, like...over HALF my life now :) A girlfriend of mine saw it at Paper Mill & wasn't super pleased with some of the changes they made - but she still said it was a must-see for anyone who loved the movie :)

Lacey said...

I was over the moon when I saw them preform at the Macy's parade. I danced all over the living room and my kids stared at me like I was nuts! It is honestly the first time that I have heard of a musical that I HAVE to see. There are many that I would like to see - but this one is a MUST. The short run time and me being in Kansas probably means it won't happen but oh, to dream!
And - thanks to you - I will be singing "Suddenly, I'm the king of New York..." all day!

Kelly said...

Hahahaha, that was THE BEST last night!! I'll email you the screen shot so you have it forever and ever!! Honestly, HOW can we make these tickets happen?? You KNOW that the frenzy Newsies followers are going to nab up the tickets in minutes. There are MILLIONS just like us! ;-)

Melissa said...

This is SO COOL & EXCITING!!!!! And, I LOVE the newsies & also wish it was a broadway musical. ;)

Gonna watch the video now, k, thanks! :)

Melissa said...


Becca Christensen said...

I LOVE THE NEWSIES TOO! : ] And I hate typing in caps. I promise not to do it again anytime soon.
