Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Fall is in the air!

It's fall in Pennsylvania. Early fall, but still. Fall. :) I'm delighted! I enjoy summer but I hate being hot. It's my least favorite thing in the world, to be honest. Ask Dave, I use the AC at night all the time. I just hate that sticky, gross, sweaty feeling that comes with being hot. Shudder.

But now! It's FALL. The highest high temperature for the next ten days in the forest? 72! I can't wait. I love crisp days in the 60's with a sunny sky. I love rainy, cozy days that beg for a sweatshirt, blanket and a cup of hot coffee. I'm ready to put away my iced K-cups and put a serious dent in some seasonal creamers. I want to decorate with leaves and pumpkins, burn some delicious smelling candles and watch the leaves change outside my window.

But mostly? I want to buy some cute clothes for my kids. :) I love love love shopping for my kiddos and I'm glad tuition is coming in again so I can shop!

Soccer Star Line from Gymboree! I'm kicking myself for not buying the entire Golf Pro line they had last spring and I won't make this mistake with the Soccer line. (Soccer and Golf are the two sports Dave plays)

For Rory:

Tutu Tomboy from Children's Place

Woodland Delights from Children's Place

Sweater Chic from Children's Place

And those are only from two of our favorite stores! So much cute clothes for kids this season!


Anonymous said...

I love love love fall too!! It's the best time of year. Nice and cool and we get to decorate!! Have fun shopping.

LWLH said...

I'm so glad fall is getting here. I'm about to bring down my fall stuff from the attic and get to town on my house :)

Amber said...

So cute! Your babies would look adorable in anything though. :) P.S. you guys have AC in your house? my aunt doesn't!

RAY J said...

I LOOOOVE working at Children's Place - I swear at least half my paychecks go right back to them as I can't help buying half the store for my son, lol...

That tutu skirt and jacket and boots have been a big seller and I couldn't see what shirt was with it, but if it's the sparkly tank top, those have been selling FAST so I'd go get em before they sell out (or order online).

The pink top with the Woodlands Delights set is also on clearance right now too (I believe it's 40 or 50% off the markdown price).

Good choices though!