And I stumble upon a link to Victoria Secret's new STEELERS line! I almost peed myself I was so excited.
Don't call me crazy!
They already have a Penn State line, which was huge for me last year! I got a super comfy sweatshirt for my birthday and I loooove it. It's mad comfy and the sleeves aren't too short, even though I've washed it a lot and dried it in the dryer (by accident!) a few times. Imagine my excitment when I saw this little baby...

I'm in love. Serious love. Good thing I'm pregnant and there's no way that sucker would fit over this baby belly for at least 3 more months or it'd be on my way to my house right now.
That's a lie.
It's expensive, like 65 bucks for a hoodie. What I will do is sit here and oogle it until Christmas rolls around then use gift cards or money to buy it myself or put it on my Christmas list.
Dave pretty much has it made for my birthday and Christmas this year. Walk in to Vickie's, pick it up if it has Black and Gold on it!
Little things in life, I tell ya!
Awww, we'd be the cutest twins... that hate each other's teams, hahah ;-) I want the Vikings one sooo bad too. It's just adorable!!
Our journey has begun!… secretly though
If I’ve left you this message, you’re a follower of my original blog ~OR~ just someone I’ve happened upon while sending out these invites and that I would LOVE for to come along for the ride! Though I won’t be revealing who I am just yet – until we’re TO and THROUGH the first trimester! Just getting the word out about our new site – further explanation of all the secrecy and what we’re about on my first post. I’d love for you to stop by.
Exciting things going on around here!
~ the {secret} *Maybe* Baby Mama
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