Thursday, March 10, 2011


We may be on to something here with Trace's new formula. Keeps those prayers coming, especially that I can rearrange the budget to accommodate this new (and awful) expense. Our formula budget needs to DOUBLE every month. Yuck. But we will do it, because TRACE is so much more important than dinner out or a date night. This came to pass, not to stay. This time next year, it will all be a memory and he'll be sitting at the table demanding more ketchup and mac-n-cheese, just like his sister. ;)

I started a new blog today, called Trace's Journey, to chronicle our battle against infant reflux. I want to keep this blog light hearted and more fun. The posts about Trace aren't (often) fun. I need to vent and dump my feelings and that belongs on the Trace blog. And who knows, maybe my extensive research and trial and error will help other moms and dads of reflux babies.

It isn't up and running yet, but should be tomorrow night. I'll post the link, if you want to check it out, you are welcome to. No pressure, no expectations, just somewhere for me to organize my thoughts and feel a little more in control.

Thanks for being fantastic. The supportive comments, the tweets, the facebook messages and have NO idea how much it means to know people are praying for my baby as hard as I am. The power of praying women is UNBELIEVABLE. I take great comfort in my blog friendships and I am thankful! :)


Laura said...

Do you ever wonder how mom's did it before blogging and facebook and the internet haha?

Seriously... I would have gone crazy a looooong time ago!

Neely said...

Glad things are going well!

Meghan said...

Aww! I hope the new formula makes all the difference! You are a tough lady and fantastic mama!